Saturday, 15 October 2016

My Personal History of iOS and Android (Anton Li)

My smartphone experience began in 2011 when I first used a Samsung Nexus S that was running android. At the time I knew a few things about what Android could do and enjoyed the experience with Android that I was with Samsung devices for a while. I did not consider the iPhone a phone that I would want due to its price and felt that Android could provide me with a similar experience an iPhone could.

I decided to try the iPhone based on my friends recommendation, since most of my friends have only ever used iPhone and never felt the need to change to Android. That's when I decided to choose the iPhone 6 back in 2014. I have been using it ever since and would not go back to Android because I found that apps were more optimised for the iPhone. The operating system felt more smooth and not filled with bloatware like Android. 

This is Anton Li signing off

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